by aweihs 09/12/2019 Comments1 The 5 barriers to organizational change (according to Harvard Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter): (1) ‘It’s not mine’……
by aweihs 14/07/2019 Comments2 Radical transparency is a vital for progressive organisations – and a welcome change. Employees are more involved,……
by aweihs 24/03/2019 Comments3 Eine tolle Idee. Wie immer gilt bei Veränderungsvorhaben mit Menschen. Wir starten mit dem Ego. #change #human…
by aweihs 16/11/2018 Comments2 We don’t believe in forced organizational change. That’s why we let employees vote for change.… via @corp_rebels
by aweihs 20/10/2018 Comments4 Change is a threat when done to us, but an opportunity when done by us. – Harvard Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter……
by aweihs 26/09/2018 Comments2 Good news: The starting point for successful change is always identical. Start with yourself. #change……