by aweihs 01/07/2020 Comments10 An operating model for the next normal: Lessons from agile organizations in the crisis… via @McKinsey
by aweihs 09/12/2019 Comments2 The 5 barriers to organizational change (according to Harvard Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter): (1) ‘It’s not mine’……
by aweihs 23/05/2019 Comments2 5 Steps To A Progressive Organizational Structure… via @corp_rebels
by aweihs 03/01/2019 Comments0 We’ve seen in our workplace visits around the globe that it’s crucial to clarify how your team (and organization) m……
by aweihs 10/12/2018 Comments3 Many organizations update HR practices by searching for perfect tools. And in searching for the “perfect app”, they……
by aweihs 16/11/2018 Comments0 Five steps to blow up the organizational hierarchy and create a powerful Network of Teams.… via @corp_rebels
by aweihs 16/11/2018 Comments2 We don’t believe in forced organizational change. That’s why we let employees vote for change.… via @corp_rebels
Video by aweihs 16/02/2018 Comments0 Give control and create leaders #agileleaders #thinking #selforganization