Collaboration, Web2.0 und Corporate America

Corporate America wakes up to Web 2.0 | Tech News on ZDNet

Corporate America wakes up to Web 2.0

By Martin LaMonica, CNET
Published on ZDNet News: June 26, 2006, 4:00 AM PT

Big companies have for years installed industrial-strength content management systems in the hope of sparking collaboration among workers. There was just one problem: People didn’t use them.

Now, tools that people are familiar with on the consumer Web, such as blogs and wikis, are staking out ground inside businesses, often led by the end users themselves.

Industry observers say these popular Web 2.0 technologies are an effective way to collaborate at work; they are simple and easy to use, making them very appealing to end users.

Leider nicht viel Neues. Eher wie die Feststellung, dass KM irgendwie bislang am User gescheitert ist, der hat doch einfach nicht so richtig mitgespielt. Jetzt wird aber mit Web2.0 alles besser, funktionaler, bedienbarer und damit steht natürlich der Profit direkt vor der Tür. Wir sind ja doch alle ein bischen Web2.0 oder?

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